- Options - Standard options supported by widgets
- Colors - symbolic color names recognized by Tkinter
- Cursors - mouse cursors available in Tkinter
- Image - Create and manipulate images
- BitmapImage - Images that display two colors
- PhotoImage - Full-color images
- Button - Create and manipulate button widgets
- Checkbutton - Create and manipulate checkbutton widgets
- Entry - Create and manipulate entry widgets
- Frame - Create and manipulate frame widgets
- Label - Create and manipulate label widgets
- Labelframe - Create and manipulate labelframe widgets
- Listbox - Create and manipulate listbox widgets
- Menu - Create and manipulate menu widgets
- PanedWindow - Create and manipulate panedwindow widgets
- Radiobutton - Create and manipulate radiobutton widgets
- Scale - Create and manipulate scale widgets
Themed Widgets
- ttk.Combobox - text field with popdown selection list
- ttk.Notebook - Multi-paned container widget
- ttk.Progressbar - Provide progress feedback
- ttk.Separator - Separator bar
- ttk.Sizegrip - Bottom-right corner resize widget
- ttk.Treeview - hierarchical multicolumn data display widget
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